Güncelleme Tarihi: 17 June 2022

Visitors: 290

Health Services Vocational School Unit Advisory Board Meeting was held.

The first meeting of the Unit Advisory Board, which was formed with the participation of the external stakeholders of our school, to increase the education and training quality of our unit, to carry out research and social contribution activities effectively, and to develop the relations between the business world and other stakeholders, was held online on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 14.00. . Our School Director, Prof. Dr. After İbrahim TÜMEN's opening speech, a presentation was made to the members of the board about the establishment history of our unit, physical spaces, personnel, number of students and post-graduation activities, and then the agenda items were discussed.


At the meeting, in which our Advisory Board members and lecturers participated, evaluations were made regarding the introduction and updating of department lesson plans to external stakeholders. Presentation of our University's Applied Education Directive, 3+1 workplace application, expectations of external stakeholders from our college, internships, scientific, social, cultural, sports and artistic activities etc. that can be carried out with external stakeholders for students. After the joint studies and cooperation opportunities in the fields were evaluated, the issue of determining the agenda items of the next meeting was discussed.


We would like to thank our Unit Advisory Board Members for participating in the Advisory Board meeting of our School, which is the beginning of an efficient and effective consultation process with our stakeholders.
