- Director's Message
Güncelleme Tarihi: 21 September 2020
Visitors: 951
Director's Message
Welcome to Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Health Services Vocational School.
Aiming to raise the qualified staff needed in the health sector, our school has started to create a hardware and infrastructure from its classrooms to its laboratory and competent lecturers. Although our school is newly established, its physical structure will be planned to support active learning and it will have a wide technological equipment.
It is aimed to raise individuals who can follow the changes and innovations, transfer the best practices, equip them with the necessary skills and abilities, or maintain their existing quality in our school, which adopts quality-oriented health education. In the curriculum created in this context, it was observed that there was a variety of lessons that would enable students to specialize in different fields; On the other hand, theoretical and practical comprehensive contents that will enable them to adapt to working life have been determined.
We invite our university candidates to join Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Health Services Vocational School family by choosing one of our most suitable programs.
With my wishes of success, I present my respect and love.
Prof. Dr. İbrahim TÜMEN